The following forms may be required for those enrolling as a new patient, or for existing patients to update information or transfer care.
To complete the PDF forms, you can either print directly or download and save the PDF to your computer..
New Patient Packet (Full packet)
Formulário de Cadastro de Pacientes (em português)
Formulario de registro de pacientes (en español)
Pakè pou Nouvo Paysan (An kreyòl ayisyen)
Annual Health History Questionnaire
Treatment, Payment and Data Agreement ( en español | em português)
Authorization for Request of Protected Health Information (for requesting records from outside provider)
Request for Amendment in Medical Record
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Completed forms may be faxed to (508) 487-6298 or emailed to
Please note: If you email a form(s) to Outer Cape Health Services, it will not be encrypted, and therefore not secure. If you have any questions you may contact the Compliance Department at (508) 905-2800.